(España, 1965)
Photographer and cultural promoter, she has collaborated with institutions such as Centro de la Imagen, Fundación Televisa and Hydra+ Fotografía. In her artistic work she explores intimate self-portraits that reflect a strident truth for the viewer. Her work has been shown in Spain, Germany, Austria and Mexico. It has been included in collections such as the Reina Sofía in Madrid, Museo del Chopo in Mexico City and The Birth Rites Collection in the United Kingdom.
Born in Granada, Spain in 1965 to an Austrian mother and a Spanish father, Ana spent her early years traveling back and forth between the two countries. In 1974 she moved to Mexico City with her mother, where she studied photography, painting and history, and dedicated herself to photography beginning in 1983. Between 1989 and 1993 she lived in Vienna and Madrid. She returned to Mexico in 1993, though until her grandmother’s death in 2002 she spent long periods caring for her in Vienna.
Since 1991 she has exhibited individually in Spain, Austria, Germany and Mexico, as well as participating in group exhibitions in various countries. She has received various accolades as well as financial support for her projects in Mexico and Austria. From 2007 to 2011 she was a member of the National System of Art Creators through the Mexican National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA).
For 14 years she worked on the project Album, beginning with a series of images with her grandmother and later developing a book and exhibition that included texts, diary entries, images of her ancestors as well as of her grandmother, audio, video, etc. In 2000 the Spanish publishing house Mestizo published Album as a book, which was later presented as a solo exhibition in Mexico at Centro de la Imagen and at Casas de América, in the Festival PHotoEspaña 2002, Madrid, Spain and other venues. Album was also recently presented as solo show at the VISIONA festival Narrativas Domésticas, Curated by Pedro Vicente, including the work from: Richard Billingham, Ana Casas Broda, Trish Morrisey, Ramón Día, Virginia Esta, Paco Gómez. November 2013- February 2014. Huesca, Spain.
Ana Casas worked on the project Kinderwunsch from 2006 to 2013. In 2013 Kinderwunsch was published as a book, in which texts and images construct a narrative, by the Spanish publisher La Fábrica in collaboration with Fundación Televisa, Mexican National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA), the Austrian Department of Culture and Hydra, Mexico. The book was published in three languages: Spanish, English and German. May 2014 Kinderwunsch received the second award to the best Art book published in 2013 by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte in Spain. Kinderwunsch will be also shown as a solo show at festival PHotoEspaña 2015.
• In 2014 Kinderwunsch receives the award to second the best published Art book from 2013 by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, in the Arts category. May 28th. Spain.
• 2012. Financial support for the publication of the book Kinderwunsch from the Programa de Fomento a Proyectos y Coinversiones Culturales, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, (Program for Project Development and Cultural Co-investment through the Mexican National Board for Culture and the Arts).
• 2012. Support for the publication of the book Kinderwunsch from the Arts Division of the Austrian Department of State.
• 2008-2011. Grant form the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte, (Mexican National System of Art Creators Scholarship. FONCA) for the project Kinderwunsch.
• 1999. Financial support for the publication of the book Album from the Programa de Fomento a Proyectos y Coinversiones Culturales, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Program for Project Development and Cultural Co-investment through the Mexican National Board for Culture and the Arts).
• 1998. Award for the book Album and financial support for its publication from the Arts Division of the Austrian Department of State.
Solo Exhibitions
Kinderwunsch, Fotohof, Salzburgo, Austria.
Kinderwunsch,. Sala Picasso, Círculo de Bellas Artes. PHotoEspaña. Madrid, Spain.
Kinderwunsch, Galería 184. Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.
Kinderwunsch, Centre des Beaux-Arts, BOZAR Festival, Brusels, Belgium.
Martín, Galería Las Monas. Feria de Arte Contemporáneo de León, León, Guanajuato.
Álbum, Tenerife, Spain.
Álbum, Muralla Bizantina, Fotoencuentros Festival. Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
Álbum, Casa de América. International Festival PhotoEspaña, Femeninos. Madrid, Spain.
Álbum, Centro de la Imagen. Mexico City.
Piscina, Gallery from the subway station Zaragoza. Mexico City.
Piscina, Gallery La gartija. Puebla, Mexico, Festival Fotoseptiembre.
Piscina, Centro Ajicjic de Bellas Artes. Ajicjic, Jalisco, Mexico.
Viena 1988-1992, Sala Yerba. Murcia, Spain.
Viena 1988-1992, Galería Railowsky. Valencia, Spain.
Viena 1988-1992, Galerie Michael Pabst. Munich, Germany.
Viena 1988-1992, Galerie Fotohof. Salzburgo, Austria.
Viena 1988-1992, Instituto de México en España. Madrid, Spain.
Viena 1988-1992, Museo Universitario del Chopo. Mexico City.
Piscina. Casona II, Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público. Mexico City, Fotoseptiembre Festival.
Piscina, Sala Minerva de fotografía, Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid, Spain.
Group Exhibitions
Familia. Modelo para desarmar. Curated by Sub, cooperativa de fotógrafos. Galería ArtexArte. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
El libro Álbum en la exposición Libros que son fotos, fotos que son libros. Curador Horacio Fernández Museo de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Photobookshow, Bristol, Ingland. Libro Kinderwunsch expuesto.
BIOGRAFIE – ICH. FOTOGALERIE WIEN. Artistas: Ana Casas Broda, Christoph Burstcher, HH Capor, Krisztina Fazekas-Kielbassa, Brigitte Konyen, Anja Manfredi, Rudolf Strobl, Phillip Warnell. Viena, Austria.
HOME TRUTHS – PHOTOGRAPHY, MOTHERHOOD AND IDENTITY. Exposición y libro curados por Susan Bright. Photographers Gallery, London / Museum of Contemporary Photography.
Under My Skin, desnudo en la fotografía contemporánea, Flowers Gallery, New York.
(Un)Clothed, Exposición curada por Mona Kuhn .Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado. United States.
Zona MACO. Galería Patricia Conde. Artista finalista del premio 1800. Mexico City.
Genealogías feministas en el arte español. Exhibition curated by Patricia Mayayo and Juan Vicente Aliaga. MUSAC. León, Spain.
Ser Mujer. Galería Fundación Héctor García. Mexico City.
Fotografía Contemporánea de Austria. Galería Fotohof. Salzburgo, Austria.
El baño. Curated by Juan Antonio Molina. Sala Nacho López. Fototeca Nacional del INAH. Pachuca. 12 Encuentro Nacional de Fototecas, October, 2011. Después en el Museo Archivo de la Fotografía, Mexico City.
Mujeres detrás de la lente: 100 años de creación fotográfica en México. Curated by Emma Cecilia García Krinsky. Exhibition and book. Galería el Cubo, Centro Cultural Tijuana.
Difracción. Galería Patricia Conde, Mexico City.
Pulsiones. Galería Patricia Conde, Mexico City.
Improntas corporales. Galería Patricia Conde, Mexico City.
3COLOR – Kortárs mexikói fotóművészet / Contemporary mexican photography. Hungary.
Mundos mexicanos. 25 Contemporary Photographers. 11 Feb – 11 Apr 2010 Palais des Beaux-Arts / Bozar Festival. Brusels.
Defecto común/identidades en disolución. Curated by José Antonio Rodríguez. Colectiva de fotografía, video and instalation. Museo Universitario del Chopo. Mexico City
El don de la vida, Centro de Arte La panera, Lleida, Spain.
Las mujeres sin cuenta, Instituto Cultural de México. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
De corazón, Museo de la Ciudad de México. Mexico City.
45 miradas mexicanas, Guangdong Museum of Art, Pekin, China.
Festival de la ciudad de México. Exposición en el Zócalo. Mexico City.
Taboo. 6 Photographers from Austria, FLUSS Fotoiniciative. Schloss Wolkersdorf, Austria.
Taboo. 6 Photographers from Austria, Studio Marangoni, Florence, Italy.
Taboo. 6 Photographers from Austria, Backlight. 7th Internacional Triennal in Tampere, Finland.
Matices, Fundación Cima, Mexico City
Mapas abiertos. 1991/2002, Latinamerican Contemporary Photography. Exhibition and book published by Lunwerg Editores. Spain.
Desde 2001
Álbum, Galería virtual Zona Zero www://zonazero.com.
Territorios Singulares. Fotografía contemporánea mexicana, Feria Internacional de Arte, Arco. Canal de Isabel II. Madrid, Spain. Exhibition through Spain, Germany, Russia and Austria.
Las transgresiones al cuerpo. Arte contemporáneo de México, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City.
21 millones. Exposición colectiva de fotografía contemporánea en México, London, 1997. Fotogalerie U Recickych, Praga.
Fotografien zur Österreichis Chen Geschichte, Fotoiniciative Fluss. Wolkersdorf. Austria.
Acción Fotográfica, Nina Menocal Gallery. Mexico City.
Sangre de mi sangre, Centro de la Imagen. Mexico City.
Sombras. Fotogramas de cuerpo. Marcos Kurticz/Ana Casas, Whitin the Framework of the Exhibition Antigüedades del siglo XXI. Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City.
Maquiladora de estricta vigilancia, Performance Marcos Kurticz/Ana Casas. Galería El Sur. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.
Miradas y Visiones, Canal de Isabel II. Madrid, Spain.
Exposición colectiva, Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid, Spain.
Mujer x Mujer, Galería Il Diaframma. Milan, Italy.
Fotografía Latinoamericana: Tendencias Actuales, Universidad Hispanoamericana Sta. María de la Rábida. Huelva, Sevilla, Spain.
Fundstücke, Fotoiniciative Fluss. Schloss Wolkersdorf. Austria.
Group Exhibition, Galería Zona. Mexico City.
La lengua, Casa de exposiciones del grupo independiente Temístocles. Mexico City.
Las nuevas majas, La Casona II. Mexico City.
Photography Exhibition, Galería Zona. Mexico City.
Radicalidad, Wolkersdorf, Viena. Austria.
Fotoinitiative Fluss, Blau Gelbe Galerie. Viena, Austria.
Atavismo carnales, La Casona II. Mexico City.
Ojos que no ven/El taller de los lunes, Consejo Mexicano de la Fotografía. Mexico City.
Bienal de Fotografía, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Auditorio Nacional. Mexico City
Mujer x Mujer. 22 fotógrafas, Museo de San Carlos. Mexico City and Canada.
Weinvierter Fotowoche, Barockschlößl, Mistelbach, Austria.